Research Thrust One: Design Representation

  • Shiguang Deng, Diran Apelian, and Ramin Bostanabad. β€œAdaptive spatiotemporal dimension reduction in concurrent multiscale damage analysis.” Computational Mechanics 72 (2023): 3-35.
  • Shiguang Deng, Carl Soderhjelm, Diran Apelian, and Ramin Bostanabad. β€œReduced-order multiscale modeling of plastic deformations in 3D alloys with spatially varying porosity by deflated clustering analysis.” Computational Mechanics 70 (2022): 517-548.
  • Shiguang Deng, Carl Soderhjelm, Diran Apelian, and Krishnan Suresh. β€œSecond-order defeaturing estimator of manufacturing-induced porosity on structural elasticity.” International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering 123.19 (2022): 4483-4517.
  • Shiguang Deng, Carl Soderhjelm, Diran Apelian, and Krishnan Suresh. β€œEstimation of elastic behaviors of metal components containing process induced porosity.” Computers & Structures 254 (2021): 106558.