
Journal Articles

[J10] Deng, Shiguang, Shirin Hosseinmardi, Diran Apelian and Ramin Bostanabad. “ Data-driven physics-constrained recurrent neural networks for multiscale damage modeling of metallic alloys with process-induced porosity.”, Computational Mechanics (2024), 1-31. paper link

[J9] Deng, Shiguang, Carlos Mora, Diran Apelian and Ramin Bostanabad. “Data-driven calibration of multi-fidelity multiscale fracture models via latent map Gaussian process.” Journal of Mechanical Design, 145.1 (2023): 011705. paper link

[J8] Deng, Shiguang, Diran Apelian, and Ramin Bostanabad. “Adaptive spatiotemporal dimension reduction in concurrent multiscale damage analysis.” Computational Mechanics, 72 (2023): 3-35. paper link

[J7] Deng, Shiguang, Carl Soderhjelm, Diran Apelian, and Ramin Bostanabad. “Reduced-order multiscale modeling of plastic deformations in 3D alloys with spatially varying porosity by deflated clustering analysis.” Computational Mechanics, 70 (2022): 517-548. paper link

[J6] Deng, Shiguang, Carl Soderhjelm, Diran Apelian, and Krishnan Suresh. “Second-order defeaturing estimator of manufacturing-induced porosity on structural elasticity.” International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 123.19 (2022): 4483-4517. paper link

[J5] Deng, Shiguang, Carl Soderhjelm, Diran Apelian, and Krishnan Suresh. “Estimation of elastic behaviors of metal components containing process induced porosity.” Computers & Structures, 254 (2021): 106558. paper link

[J4] Deng, Shiguang, and Krishnan Suresh. “Stress constrained thermo-elastic topology optimization with varying temperature fields via augmented topological sensitivity-based level-set.” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 56 (2017): 1413-1427. paper link

[J3] Deng, Shiguang, and Krishnan Suresh. “Topology optimization under thermo-elastic buckling.” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 55 (2017): 1759-1772. paper link

[J2] Deng, Shiguang, and Krishnan Suresh. “Multi-constrained 3D topology optimization via augmented topological level-set.” Computers & Structures, 170 (2016): 1-12. paper link

[J1] Deng, Shiguang, and Krishnan Suresh. “Multi-constrained topology optimization via the topological sensitivity.” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 51 (2015): 987-1001. paper link

Conference Articles

[C5] Deng, Shiguang, Carlos Mora, Diran Apelian and Ramin Bostanabad. “Multi-fidelity reduced-order models for multiscale damage analyses with automatic calibration.” ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, MO, August 2022. paper link

[C4] Deng, Shiguang, and Krishnan Suresh. “Topology optimization of linear thermo-elastic buckling problem via augmented topological level-set.” ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Charlotte, NC, August 2016. paper link

[C3] Deng, Shiguang, and Krishnan Suresh. “Predicting the Benefits of Topology Optimization.” ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Boston, MA, August 2015. paper link

[C2] Deng, Shiguang, Krishnan Suresh, and James Joo. “Stress-Constrained Thermo-Elastic Topology Optimization: A Topological Sensitivity Approach.” ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Buffalo, NY, August 2014. paper link

[C1] Garnich, Mark, Ray Fertig, Evan Anderson, and Deng, Shiguang. “Micromechanics of fatigue damage in unidirectional polymer composites.” Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 20th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, Honolulu, HI, April 2012. paper link